My Five Year Quest From Pain To Protandim!

My Five Year personal experiment with, peer reviewed anti-aging olympic approved, Nasdaq traded Protandim is now complete and here is my results with personal footnotes!
I was born Jan. 4th, 1944 in Los Angeles ,Ca. For more than 30 of my 71 years I lived in San Francisco as a Performing Artist and a Sustainable LifeSkills Instructor for people living with AIDS at both Highland Hospital, Trauma Center for the County,Oakland,Ca. and UC Medical Center,San Francisco,Ca.

For myself I’ve used yoga and nutrition in pursuit of high level wellness as a way of life for years,but even with my ten year attempt at vegetarianism by age 60 I was sitting down on stage to perform my blues and jazz and folkblues originals due to lack of energy plus back, neck and joint pain!

I do not mind saying that when my wife Sandra who is my life, found out that I had not been truthful with her about my pain,I was in big trouble! For Example- A sharp pain would shoot up my spine and temporarily disable me! My left knee would buckle without warning leaving me to grab onto the nearest person or piece of furniture to keep from falling down, while my right knee was swollen with every step being a painful experience!
To be truthful, I was frightened and felt that if I talked about it, I would grant being to all that I feared! That is another reason that I refused to see a doctor!

Let me make this clear, I do not advise that you do what I did! Doctors save lives!

I am 6’3 and weigh 195 and was taught that real men do not whine!

I have friends who wanted to attach names to all of these systoms, but I refused to label the pain! Something inside of me told me that labels disable and that If I named it my subconscious would claim it.

Within one week after I began my project I could feel that I was onto something! Within two weeks, I felt that someone had sprayed my knees with WD-40. I was cruising by the time the first month was over!

I already felt that I wanted to be a distributor for Lifevantage. I told Sandra I would experiment on myself so that If I killed someone, it would be me! I also decided that at 71 I should take my time because I wanted this to be my last ‘People Franchising’ effort to gain our financial freedom!

See my ’70 Is The New Sexy!’ Video Below. It is suitable for any audience!

Recently the Ceo of Care One Health Training Institute with campuses located in Raleigh, NC and Fayetteville, NC., and 3 Extended Care Nursing & Rehabilitation Wellness Centers in NC, made history by becoming the first Official Lifevantage Distributor in the south to embrace this wellness game changer!

In other videos below you will see Sanjay Gupta, Medical Advisor for CNN, Donny Osmond, Dr. Phil, double mastectomy, MS survivor, Al Roker of Good Morning America, John Quiones, of ASBC Prime Time Report & What Would You Do!

You will also see Montel Williams, Ozzie Newsome, GM of the Baltimore Ravens and a 16 yr. old from Ohio Break the 50 meter indorr and the 100 meter outdoor records for his age group after eating the product for only 3 months!

Dr. Joseph McCord, A Duke Alumni, now teaching medicine at the University Of Colorado, created Protandim! I do not know if he has given this product to Coach K or not, but the coach sure looks like it!

Protandim was given hundreds of favorable reviews in, ‘Free Radical Biology & Medicine’ The Institute for Cancer, Aging and Antioxidant Research at the University of Colorado, Denver, The Journal Of Dietary Supplements June 1,2010, Journal Of Enzyme Research, Mar.23,2011, General Hospital Harvard Medical School, Ohio State University Medical Center, Division of Pullmonary & Critical Care, Virginia Commonwealth University.

When a brilliant Asian Psychiatrist with /MBA whao is editor of a science journal bought the product from me for the last year, I was reminded that this opportunity is very special! This gentleman once shared with me that his ulcers had stopped bleeding, and that he could only attri9bute it to Protandim becuase it was the only thing that changed in his diet, I did not know what to say because we are taught never to make promises or claims about results!

My 5 year test is up and I have to say that I am ready to do the Lifevantage business!

Protandim Creator, and holder of 7 patents, Dr. Joseph McCord, Professor of Medicine at The University Of Colorado Health Sciences, has been given the Elliott Cressom Medal from the Franklin Insitutue in Philadelphia. Other recipients are Alexander Graham Bell, Orville Wright, Henry Ford & Pierre & Marie Curie.

When I discovered the benefits of Protandim. I tried invain to get this product to Dean Smith and BB King Sometimes the people who love us protect us too well!


DUKE MD, CREATES OLYMPIC APPROVED ANTI-AGING MLM EARNING $200 MILLION IN 2014. As a transplant from San Francisco, even I have discussed how Coach ‘K’., Dukes’ Beloved Basketball Guru, seems not to be aging very rapidly at all! While this is probably first and foremost a side effect of finding your purpose in life, being passionate about that purpose! Even the most unconscious have noticed that some of the players who played for Coach ‘K’ years ago look like they are his age!

When Dr. Joseph McChord was a student at Duke, his nickname was, ‘The Lab Rat’. It seems that Dr. McChord spent so much time working on projects in the laboratory that the name was quite appropriate!

Dr. McChord went on the teach medicine at several universities including the University Of Colorado in Denver where he remains as a department head at the School Of Medicine!

In 1997 Dr. McChord was awarded the Elliott Cresson Medal of Life Science by the Franklin Institute an honor bestowed upon the likes of Wilbur Wright, Madame Currie, Alexander Graham Bell and Henry Ford!

Dr. McChord received this honor for being the first to discover the Biology of Free Radicals and their interaction in living organisms. The name of Dr. McChord’s discovery is Protandim and has been clinically proven to reduce oxidative stress by 40% by removing One Million Free Radicals from the human body per second with just one tablet per day! You read it right, Dr. Mc Chord is the man who discovered Free Radicals!

While I do have One Million ulterior motive$ for telling you this story! I have have 5,650,000 altruistic reason for telling the story! That is the number of people being freed from prisons and jails in America with no source of income and all kinds of fines and liabilities aside from child support! This has got to be one of the biggest oversights of Homeland Insecurity which we can find! Please see “When background Checks Are Not Your Friend!” a previous blog!

Marketing this product is quickly removing the stress from my retirement conversations!

I became especially excited when I found out that Protandim removed one million free radicals per second from an athletes’ body, or any humans body. It has been clinically proven that athletes recuperated from fatigued, and also healed themselves 40% faster!


Follow William D. Burton on, Rev. William D. Burton-Facebook

I Was Raised By Powerful Women!

I was raised by powerful women! My mother, Julia Mae Burton was born in rural Oklahoma in about 1923. DOB Records were very sketchy for African American/Cherokee females after the trail of tears in Oklahoma territory! While I, on the other hand, was born in Los Angeles,Ca. on Jan.4th,1944.

One of my fondest and earliest memories was being very surprised when my foster grandmother, Missionary Jesse Lee Harris who I would guess was about 50 years of age when I was 5. I remember the two of us boldly walking into the front door of a printing business in a Bryant,Texas.This was a time of separate water fountains and backdoor entrances for people of color to places of business! Imagine my amazement when ‘Mother’ Harris and I walked into this shop and she proceeded to walk behind the counter! At that time,I had never seen a black person behind the counter of a white owned business! Without hesitation, she told me to have a seat as I watched her sit down and place a slender wooden box on her lap and begin to arrange what looked like pieces of metal but was, as I later discovered, led type alphabet which the printer used to spell out the words when printing the songbooks which we published and sold at religious gatherings, conventions around the south! I was a full grown adult before I learned that this amazing woman was not only setting type for songbooks which the owner of the print shop printed for her to sell at these conventions. I suddenly realized that to set the type correctly, the words and sentences had to be spelled and placed backwards into the little troughs in order for the words to be legible when printed on the pages of the songbook! How my grandmother taught herself to spell the entire book backwards and then set type that way was a shock to me even as an adult!

There are scientist and Epigenetic experts with whom I agree like Dr. Bruce Lipton author of’The Biology Of Belief’, who have proven that adopted children take on the genetic blueprints of their adopted parents! I am positive close association with this powerful woman has affected my personal growth and my ability to learn! I am told by those who know much more than I, that A child is taught most of what it will know by the time that it is 7 years of age! But I digress!

I was passed back and forth between my mother and grandmother,in part, because for as long as I can remember mother functioned as a missionary for her church, taking food and clothing to the impoverished in Africa!

I remember my mother and I living in the servants quarters of a wealthy white family,named the Whitakers. Mom came home very excited one day because she had responded to the doorbell to find a police officer standing there who announced that Dale Evans and Roy Rogers had arrived for a visit! For those not old enough to know Roy & Dale, he was one of the first and most popular singing cowboys. I remember that his horse was a fabulous Palomino named Trigger!

It was with much pride that my mother,Julia Mae Burton saved her money as a maid and paid her way through Cosmetology school and then went to work in a black owned hair salon! She then worked hard and continued to save until she paid her way through nursing school and became what was then called a Licensed Practical Nurse!

My mom was not finished! She then attended Pacific Lutheran College, in Tacoma, Washington, getting a degree in education and became a full time school teacher for the Tacoma school district until her retirement!

A few years ago I was applying for a job and one of the questions asked at the interview was, “Do you think that you can work with powerful women! My answer was , I WAS RAISED BY POWERFUL WOMEN!

PLEASE FOLLOW ME AT and Rev William D. Burton on facebook. and The Fountain Of Youth!

Did You Know That Warren Buffett Bought 1/2 Dozen MLM Companies last year?

I was a confessed Warren Buffett Groupie before I ever read this article. What I mean by that is that every since I decided that I could live to be 144+, I kicked my bucket list and created a Warren Buffett list! As a performing artist, I also created a Jimmy Buffett list which will be covered in a later blog!
#1.So I am pretty sure that Warren bought companies over 5 years old! Which may be good advice for anyone seeking an MLM company. #2. If someone tells you you won’t have to work or recruit, RUN! RUN AWAY QUICKLY! #3. Make sure the products are consumable! #4. Make sure the product is not a me too product! For instance, while the product from the company with which I am involved is all natural herbs, we have 5 US Patents & 2 International Patents! This protects all of us from telling a potential client that Protandim wipes out one million free radicals per second 24 hrs. per day with one Olympic Approved tablet and then having the repose be, my product does that also! When I say that Protandim reduces oxidative stress by 40%, I won’t hear ours does that too! When I say that I work for a company from which I can purchase stock on Nasdaq, very few if any potential competitors can say, me too! When I say that we can access 7 streams of income and potential for an immediate place in a worldwide bonus pool with this company, I do not hear a me too echo because it is my belief that this has never been done before! #5.Make sure that there are no patent disputes or potential challenges.
Before I became a Warren Buffett groupie, I was already into Network Marketing or People Franchising as some have come to call it! That is why when my millionaire entertainment lawyer,author of 12 Universal laws Of Success, Herbert Harris came to my office and asked me if I knew who Burke Hedges, an Icon in the field of direct selling, I responded that Burke makes about $60,000 per yr. as a speaker and wrote several books, one being a bestseller called ‘Who Stole The American Dream?’
I stated that he owned several companies earning close $1,000,000 per yr. collectively! My friend & mentor Herbert Harris asked if I would like to meet Burke. I assumed that my friend and mentor was purchasing two $50.00 tickets for us to go hear Burke Speak! I was mistaken. It seems that Burke was flying into town to talk to Herbert face to face, Mano a’ Mano, about a new business opportunity he had encountered which had local roots at Duke! It seems that Dr. Joseph McChord, a Duke alumni in biochemistry had created a n all natural product which Burke thought was a paradigm shifter in the realm of fitness, wellness, performance enhancement and anti-aging!
Herbert explained to me that his excitement was due to the fact that Burt wanted to fly in and speak to him privately as opposed to skype or phone! Herbert also shared with me that when he and Burke were in another company together several years ago, Burke was earning close to $50,000 per month and he was earning about $25,000 per month! These are the kinds of coaches which I constantly seek to coach me in the world of networking! This happened about 5 years ago!
Since that date, I have eaten at least one Protandim tablet most days until now! At 71 I became saddened when my friends and co-workers tried to rationalize that I looked younger and could do 35 pushups and not be out of breath because I dyed my hair! I then discovered the problem! They were too close to me! Closeness& familiarity reaps a sort of blindness to small increments of change! It’s might be appropriate to share the story of the frog in the tepid pan of water again. Did you know that a frog will meet its’ demise if the temperature of the water is gradually raised to a boil because it cannot decipher the gradual rise in temperature! By the time it feels the heat, it is too late! I really believe that this explains the effects of free radicals on the body in the creation of the disease process better than most explanations! We do not know that we are getting ill until the doctor tells us, unless we are in tuned to our intuitive Higher selves!
In my mind, Warren Buffett is a visionary! He knows where the money is coming from next year! Some attack his ideas because the owners of MLM companies make more money than most of the distributors! Most business owners make more money than the people who work for them! I find that my UCPTI Causing PB, or Unconscious Contempt Prior To Investigation leads to PB or Paradigm Blindness! This is the New Age! Whether you believe it or not! Income will be made in different ways in this Age )Of Inspiration and Transformation! @WilliamDBurton is my Twitter tag!

My Power VS Force Course Teaches to seek Health before Wealth

As the Founding Executive Director of NC Second Chance Business Academy, I often ponder why universities rarely approach the conversation that we may be using just less than 2% of our brain mind potential! I will address this more in the body of this blog!

When a student comes to me for success coaching, the first thing that I address is their level of wellness! We do an intensive process to eliminate millions of free radicals as well as parasites from the body! Did you know that you can cleanse your internal physical body and all of it’s organs for just pennies per day! The secret in a word is called ‘Diatomaceous Earth- Food Grade!

The next thing that I advise is that they learn how to breath! Yes I thought that I knew how to breath when I was 30. I had stayed alive for 30 years so I felt that I must have been doing something right! I then discovered that the oxygen greedy brain demands 75% of the oxygen which comes into the body! So if you are not breathing properly at least sometimes, the rest of your body may be suffering! This is where exercise truly is king!

The next part of fitness with which we deal physical is flexibility or range of motion! I have discovered that the range of motion and ones’ range of emotions are very closely related. Have you noticed that people with a stiffness about them are less flexible mentally? Stretching is one of the most important components of fitness which any serious fitness enthusiasts must embrace! At 71, I learned this late in my quest to be the best!

Next, and you have heard this from me before, is a group of Yoga Exercises called The ancient group of yoga exercises called The Ancient Tibetan Rites, or the ATR’s. See the link below!

For us to become a success in our financial endeavors, we must be fit for the task! O place A High level of Wellness at the top of my list for success! How many millionaires do you know who have forfeited one for the other? Not a good trade!

Back to our brain mind potential! Many psychologist agree that our subconscious minds are one million times more powerful than our conscious minds! I say that you are the person riding the elephant toward a desired destination. Your subconscious mind is the elephant!

How we give instructions to our subconscious is very interesting! The internal conversation which you are having with yourself makes up the instructions to your powerful subconscious. But not quite! The truth is that the feelings which you have about the conversation which you are having with yourself become the purest form of communication which you and I have with this giant inner child within us! Now you must understand that as a child, we all lived in the delta and theta frequencies for the first five years or so! We then gradually slip into the alpha brain wave frequency and again into beta frequencies as we approach adulthood! This is why we are so creative as young children and even in our teens! “Lest ye become as a little child, ye shall not enter the Kingdom Of Heaven!” Powerful!

In my seminars I say over and over that the bible refers to God as the Alpha and the Omega, never the Beta! Remember the movie, the Matrix? I see the beta brain wave frequency as the 2% Ego Driven Matrix!

20 years ago at a conference held by Rudolf Steiner Schools,. I heard Mr. Willis Harmon state this! And I paraphrase…”There is a mindset by which we can walk across hot coals and get blisters, and there is another mindset which we can appropriate in which one can walk across hot coals and nothing will happen to ones’ feet! In the coming global economy,we must teach our children both mindsets! Well on Dec. 22nd last year many believe that we have entered into that new age of Inspiration leading to Transformation! Welcome to what Echart Tolle and many others have called, The New Earth!

Please visit me at or I am the Bio-Rhythm & Blues Mystic!