Apathy Kathy

When jogging replaces your sex life
And you were grogged in the space of your next wife
While saving the space for your next wife
Who is saving your space for the next life
And then your love affair becomes the lesson
That you could have learned the last time around
Afraid you stare at Fred Astaire lessons
Because all of the good dancers are leaving town

He put the fake on, she put the brake on
Make no mistake Son, Who’s got the make on
Like a Mother of Atlantis, Hey now is she Boss
Like some Lady Preying Mantis don’t bow she’ll take your head off.

My topics apathy, Myopic Apathy!

Apathy Kathy, Why Are you so Unhappy
You used to be my lover, my Sister, my Rappy
You thought it would get back to your pappy!

Musicmaker.org A Cut Above The Rest!

Having been a starving artist for 40 years+, you almost get used to not getting any help!
The other day a fellow musician called me and informed me that he had found some help for me and had made a request on my behalf! I do not know whether that will happen or not, but after investigation, I discovered that Music Makers is a best kept secret, not only for aging Blues, folk Blues, genre blenders and genre bender artist but for those who are seeking authentic music!

I would love for all music lovers, young musicians and older musicians alike to please go to their website and educate yourself on what you did not know you did not know!

I would especially suggest that the young artist get some flavor and check out these musical roots! Getting the opportunity to open for John Lee Hooker & Muddy Waters and share the dressing room with them was some of the highlights of both my music career and my life!

I was sitting in a dressing room staring at Muddy and he asked me what was on my mind! I said Muddy, i don’t want to bother you, but I have so many questions! Muddy said shoot. I said, what do you do when you get hoarse? He said Oh. son I just sing right through it!

I told my wife Sandra that that answer was so Zen that it took me 10 years to figure it out!
At the first opportunity for opening for Mr. John Lee Hooker the audience was so kind that Mr. hooker told me that I could play long as I wanted to play in the second show!

There is no way for me to tell you what that meant to me! To be treated so kindly from such a real legend still warms my heart when I think of it!

I gotta say That Muddy, John Lee Hooker, and Jusuf Islam, aka Cat Stevens Bill Graham , the late San Francisco music mogul, and believe it or not, AXL Rose formerly of GNR gave me the kind of support which has kept me in the business for 40 years!

Please go to the Musicmaker.org website and support these wonderful people! When you see their line up, you will get a musical education of a lifetime!

If you are a music teacher or music educator, your students must witness & experience some of these artistic assets before they are no longer with us in the flesh!

I you are a musician of any age, or if you are a music lover, you owe it to the industry and to yourself to support this team of serious contributors to the planet earth!


Thank You MusicMaker.org Thank you Tim & Denise Duffy and friends! You have warmed my heart by simply existing!


www.williamdburton.com  Click on ‘My Music’ to see my Reverbnation standings!


‘Trees For President’ Political Commentary by By San Francisco Street Poet Rev. William D. Burton-1988


As a singer songwriter, I became very perturbed when I was told that my music had to be written at the 6th grade level in order to succeed or that art is not supposed to contain political content or have social commentary! I believe that art is suppose to be the truth as the artist sees it! Curtis Mayfield, Gil Scott Heron, Joan Baez, Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Peter, Paul and Mary, Marvin Gaye, Neil Young’s Southern Man, all had social, political or environmental content! Movies like ‘What The Bleep Do We Know?  and  my personal favorite, ‘The Matrix’  also fit loosely into this category in my mind!

With the possibility that yet another Bush, Jed could be running for president, it is with great pleasure that I re-submit “Trees For President!” written by yours truly in 1987 0r 88 at a time when there was no social media to speak of!  In my own defense I’d like to say that as a person I never had any ill feelings about Mr. George Bush Sr.  I simply thought that it might not be a good idea for America to place the former head of the CIA in the White House! I deduced that the job of CIA Director may cause one to have to do things which might cause ill feelings around the world and that the presidency might get a little tainted! But what does a San Francisco Street Poet, Bart Station Musician, and Outpatient Care Facilitator For HIV and Epidemiology at Highland Hospital in Oakland, or in the CAP Program for UC Medical Center know about global politics?

Well I had no idea that Osama Ben Laden existed, but I was sure that there was someone like him lurking around with bruised feelings toward the CIA! They call me the Nostradamus of The Blues! You decide if the title fits!

” Trees For President’ by Rev. William D. Burton

Trees they give us shade

And trees, they never ask to be paid

Under the leaf of some wooden table

It is my belief that trees are more stable.

Trees, they never womanize

Trees, never practice genocide

Trees are old and wise

Trees are always on our side.

Like Dr. King,  I once had a dream

There was a Bush and a Tree

Debating on my tv screen.

I woke up and got quite paranoid.

Someone had placed a Bush in the White House

and all of the Trees were being destroyed.

So vote for the Trees for president,

Not in your parlor, but in your parliament

Vote for the Trees for president

Trees are Heaven sent!

So if you want to breathe, lets set a precedent

and vote for the Trees for President!



“Fast Times At Earth High” I’m Gonna Learn How To Fly, This Earth Plane!

On Dec.22,2014 we entered into a New Age and slipped into a new Paradigm Shift!


Warning! This article must be read with your heart not with, your brain!

I would love to be the first to warn you, and maybe I am not, that the times, they are -a- changing!
The one thing you and I must do to thrive in this new energy is to lead from our heart!
Did you know that the heart was fully functional by the time your brain was 50% functional?
Did you know that your heart has 40,000 or more neurotransmitters centered in its’ own mini-brain?
Did you know that your heart communicated with your subconscious all of the time the brain was being developed?
Your subconscious mind is one million times more powerful than your so-called conscious mind?
Did you know that Affirmations along do not contact your subconscious mind and that no results can happen unless you affect the inner child which is 98% of who you unconsciously believe yourself to be!
If you are a person who prays and are going to a level where you can communicate through your subconscious mind, your prayer, (And some teachers say that everything we say to ourselves in secret is an unconscious prayer!) You may be empowering the effectiveness or power of your prayer, intent, desire, imagined accomplishment by one million times!
The subconscious does not believe what you tell it. Stay with me this is important!
The Subconscious does not believe what you tell it, it believes what you feel about what you tell it! The Subconscious does not see, hear or feel your internal dialogue, it feels whatever you feel.
This cause us to continuously create things and attract things to us in our lives! If we are unaware of our power we ask God, why is this happening to me! If we are aware that we are created in the image and likeness of God, then we wonder why we created or attracted what we are experiencing!
“Lest Ye Become AS a Little Child Ye Shall Not Enter Into The Kingdom of Heaven! For The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Within You!

Again, You and I are One Million Times More Powerful Than We Were Last Year! Maybe this simple example will us all!

When a baby calf elephant at the circus is tethered to a large log it tries to move and cannot because it is not strong enough move the log! When you attend the circus 4 years later, that same elephant now weighs a ton or two and is tried to the same log which held it as a calf. It remembers that it could not move as a baby, believes that it cannot move now!

Now some will say to me that this is all poppy cock! But you are talking to a guy who walked out of a machine shop when he saw too many fingers missing because he wanted to be a guitar player singer-songwriter at about 30! A little over a year later, I performed at a private party for Cat Stevens aka Jusuf Islam at the London Bar & Grill in Portland, Oregon!

We now have the power. We are now the 100th monkey! We now have the power to experience the New Heaven and The New Earth!

I won’t tell you how to do it! I can’t tell you how to do it! I can just tell you how I am doing it! You are not suppose to do it like me! You are unique! There is only one of you in this universe!  We won’t talk about alternate universes right now! I would love for you to rent “What The Bleep Do We Know!” Please do not miss the water experiment on youtube.com and remember that our bodies are mostly water!

Please join me on my Free Mobile App at www.reverbnation.com/revwilliamdburton.com/app



The Ex-Girlfriend Reunion!

I was lying in the park with a friend of mine who’s name was Doris Barrett when she made a comment which startled me! She said, I hate your concerts! Of course I was concerned and I replied, trying not to appear hurt, I thought you liked my music? She replied, I love your music, but I hate your Blankity Blank concerts! I had to ask why! Doris’ reply was, because they look like ex-girlfriend re-unions.

I replied with a question! I said, if I was a mean guy and you were dating me and we split up, would you come to concerts and pay money at the door which you knew was going into my pocket? No was her instant answer! I then replied that I rest my case. We dated, they did me wrong, I forgave them, and we became friends! Doris reluctantly gave in to  my premise!

Seconds later I said, hey, that is a great idea for a song While this was more than 25 years ago, it seems like yesterday!  And minutes later Doris and I were collaborating and Doris wrote every other lines!

“It was an ex-girlfriend reunion and a goodly crowd was there,

That darn near filled Joe’s fool room at the corner of the square.

As songs and witty stories, flowed through an open door,

a vagabond crept slowly in and poised upon the floor and said

“Need your life flash before your eyes before you realize that you have compromised,

You took what you could get instead of what you wanted, and you were undaunted’

And at odds with society, and their deity monogamy , it seems that you’ve lost touch with what is real!

In a desperate search for reality, you have forfeited your fantasies

But forgotten dreams must find a away to live!

While running from reality, you ran out of time, ran into me

You better listen to the advice that I have to give!

From the back of the room, someone cried, “Don’t listen to that old bum!”

Somebody from the front row said “I’ll buy that bum a glass of rum!”

Although he was I stranger, I felt that we were one.

And when he said these words to me, I knew why he had come.

He said,”Need your life be trashed before your eyes, before you realize that you have compromised,

You took what you could get instead of what you wanted!

It was an ex-girlfriend reunion, next door to my next girlfriend reunion!

All rights reserved since 1980 by Rev William D. Burton aka The Cadillac Records Escape Artist!

Nursery Rhymes For Your Subconscious Mind-THOUGHTS FOR CELLS!

Well I asked my elf, Servant of my Higher Self
Why should thoughts be controlled
and She complied to help.

After it is all boiled down
Creative Thought is all that’s left
After Thought there is nothing else!

She said, I am your thought Genie
And you created me.
I’m all your Thoughts collected,
Your Hid Id Entity!

Your desire to know the truth
is what has brought me here.
When the student is ready
The teacher will appear!

If you let your mind wander
Any way you please
Soon your health will wander yonder
A pretty soon you’ll sneeze.

If you let your mind ponder on what you think you need

Mental garden you will plunder by producing need weed seeds.

But let me show you a better way my friend.

We can claim the day and bring this darkness to an end.

For we must have FAITH for all of us Create in our INNATE DIVINITY!

If on the other hand you ponder Bright Sunshine

Thoughts you will find, produce after their own kind.

Thoughts Non-Discreet could give you aching feet

Thoughts held of lack might give you an aching back!

Thoughts of self derision could give you Rheumatism

Watch out for the grumps for you might get the mumps

Some say that the Black Mans’thougthts  of hate darken his vehicles

And the bad vibrations turn into cells shaped like Sickles.

While the silent majority, ponders thoughts of hate

which in turn turns into tomorrows earthquakes.

Selfishness top of list of the things I would not do.

One day you’ll understand that your small self isn’t you.

If you turn on the light, the clouds begin to clear

You must believe in your own Divinity!

The slave he thinks the slave master is at fault

And the slave master hates anyone who can be bought.

As the LIBERATED MAN loves them both the same

But refrains from their ignorant games!

The fat politician can’t stoop so low.

Has his shoes tied together in a Karmic Bow.

And they all P R E Y together as we all know

As they reap just what they so!